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SalesHero Wiki

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  • Step by Step: How to setup driver with route delivery plan

    1)Login in into website  and click on Company List. 2) Firstly, click on chosen  company . 3)  Scroll down until find Route Plan Delivery . Make sure all setting have been chosen especially on assign to . 4)     Next, back to home page , click on Salesman list. 5) Make sure to is Driver  column are tick and all the setting inside fully managed by admin. Click Update  on bottom right. 6)     Next, on left side click on Route Delivery – Maintain Rider. 7)    Input Company name  and Search . 8)    Click on add Doc , in order to assign driver with document. 9)Select the date from and until when. 10)     Click on tick button in order to add that selected document. Once done click on X . 11)     Beside assign work to driver using document, admin also have the right to assign driver using other work in driver job scope. 12)    Such as Collect payment, collect return stock and drop stock. Choose either one of the selection job type, customer and the address  to assign driver to the work. Once done, click Submit .

  • Step by Step: B2B - How to clear cache (Android)

    Android version 1) Click on Setting icon 2) Click on Apps & Notifications 3) Select on Apps. 4) Search for SHB2B. 5)     Click inside the apps  then storage . 6) Click on clear cache.

  • Step by Step: B2B - How to create promotion

    Login in into website  and click on B2B  > Maintain Promotion . 2.     Firstly, create new promotion . 3.     Fill in name, description , and company . 4.     Input promotion date from  to promotion end Date . 5.      Make sure to upload image , upload press on create button once done. 6.     Click on pencil icon  to add more information in it. 7.      Click on Add Item  button then select Item that will be include in promotion package. 8.      Input for Push Notification  detail (blasting notification in application to customer). All the history will showing below column.

  • Step by Step: Draft on IOS phone

    1.    Click on bottom right icon  to view all draft store in the applications or click on icon module  to view draft. 2.      Firstly, select the date range  if applicable. Secondly, to create an order , click on the create icon. Thirdly, to send out all order in the draft list, click on the icon shown. Fourthly, to view draft in different module , click on this for switching module purposes. Lastly, once send, you may view in sent  section. 3.     Each module can be selected here (Below wording of each module will display how many pending draft are created).

  • Step by Step: How to Make Payment

    Android Version On right menu side bar, click on Payment. 2.     Click on create Payment button. 3)     Select a customer to proceed payment. 4.     Input Doc Amount (RM), the click on credit note (if necessary). 5. Credit note will be display, user need to choose which credit note are going to knock off. 6.     Proceed on selecting the invoice. Then proceed on clicking send icon. 7。     Choose option whether to send or save the payment 8.     Once you choose Save button, it will turn out yellow icon. Once send, if will turn out brown color. iOS Version      Click on Payment. 2.     Click on create Payment icon.   3.     Firstly, select on Customer , secondly input payment type  (If cheque payment, please insert all column detail with cheque detail and lastly preset amount  to pay.   4.     Select Credit Note if any (to knock off payment with credit note). 5.     Select which invoice to be done with payment (Multiple invoice select is allowable by admin) 6.     You may preview the payment before getting save or send. 7.     The preview shown in application. 8.     The payment with draft status will be stated, while Cancel document will have stated C with highlighted red color. 9.     Slide from left to right to get more action of the order. 10. Sent order will be placed at sent section.

  • Step by Step: B2B - How to send order with B2B

    Android Version Once login, the advertisement will popup (if applicable).  By clicking on close button, it will exit the advertisement. 2.    Click on History  to see previous record of purchasing. (If doesn’t show this button, that’s mean no purchase history yet). 3.     The record of purchasing will be shown in History pages. 4.     In order to sort the item sequence match with our desire, you may click on this filter. 5.    Select either 1 to make the filtration changes. 6.     Layout view button are made up to change viewing mode. 7.    Once click it will change the viewing mode into listing mode. 8.     Search button can  be used in order to smoothen the searching product. 9. History of the seach will also be view below. User also have he access of deleting the old search record (click on the trach button). 10.     Select the chosen product. 11.     Click button Add to Cart. 12.     Input the Quantity and press the button Add to Cart. 13.     Click on cart icon to see all listing that we have add to cart. 14.     Item that having out of stock quantity in the cart will be stated as Item Unavailable. You may remove it by sliding from right to left on item listing. 15.     Click on Change button to select different address. 16.     Click on + button to create new delivery address or you may select address in the listing. 17.     Once click on + button, all delivery information need to filled in. Then click Save. 18.     Camera button are for capturing any addition information that need to be included along the order status. In example receipt of payment. 19.     Maximum photo that could be included in is three. 20.     Once done include all the images, click on X (automatically save all the photo uploaded just now). 21.     Sales order remark can be included in this pencil icon. 22.     Input remark on the column, then click save. 23.     Click on PDF to display all order in pdf format (This section is block from being screenshot) 24.     Once confirmed, Send order.

  • Step by Step: Payment Cheque number add mandatory control

    1)     Login in into website and click on Salesman List. 2)     Click on selected salesman. 3)     Scroll down until reach blue box stated “Payment Setting”, Click on ON if require cheques number on every payment transaction.

  • Step by Step: How to self-check your Device specification (state in level performance)

    Android Version How many available storages in device left? Instruction: Setting > Storage. 2.   What App version are you using? 3. Is your Internet speed being in stable condition? Check your internet speed by using (Open browser > type on > click on first choice listed > Continue on the web > Allow device connection > Click on GO) 4. Check for your device model and check the requirement for the minimum requirement meet up. Check at . IOS Version 1.     How many available storages in device left? Instruction: Setting > General > iPad Storage. 2.     Check for your IOS Version and check the requirement for the minimum requirement meet up. Check at . 3.     What App version are you using? Check at Appstore if update needed. 4.     Is your Internet speed being in stable condition? Check your internet speed by using (Open browser > type on > click on first choice listed > Continue on the web > Allow device connection > Click on GO) 5.     Check for your Device model and check the requirement for the minimum requirement meet up. Check at .

  • Step by Step: B2B - How to choose shipping address/delivery address

    On right side menu, click on Cart. 2. Click on Change button to edit. 3. Select address in the list or else click on ‘+’(Skip this step if the address desire already in the list) 4. Once done, fill complete address, click on save. Then choose the address. 5. Select Delivery Address in the listing. 6. The chosen address will appear here.

  • How to add Footer note in PDF

    Login to Saleshero Backend. Go to setting from side bar> Maintain Company 3. Select the company you want to add PDF Footer and click on it. 4. Once in salesman setting , Scroll down and find PDF setting. In the PDF Note insert the PDF footer content. Once done. Scroll to the bottom and click on update button. 5. Inform the sales person to update & sync in App and check the PDF footer after generate PDF.

  • How to change salesman agent code in SalesHero backend

    Login SalesHero Backend > Setting > Change Agent Code. 2. In ‘Change Agent Code’ page, Select the salesman Agent code which want to update. Then Key in the new salesman agent code in the ‘new code’ field and click submit button proceed to update agent code. 3. After the agent code has been updated, a message ‘success in update agent code’’ 4. You can check the new agent code updated in salesman list.

  • How to choose shipping address/delivery address

    Android Version 1)      On left side menu, click on Sales Order (or any order module. For example: Quotation, Invoice & Cash Sales). 2)      Select customer. 3)      Select item in the list. 4)      Click on details column. 5)      Scroll down and find for Delivery Address section, click on Select Delivery Address button or you may tick on the box Same as Billing Address (will follow billing address) 6)      Choose on the selection address. 7)      Once select, it will change into our selection address. Then you may proceed on send or save the order. IOS Version 1)      Click on Sales Order (or any order module. For example: Quotation, Invoice & Cash Sales). 2)      Select customer. 3)      Select item in the list. 4)      Click on Contact column. 5)      Click on i button. 6)      Choose on the selection address. 7)      Once select, it will change into our selection address. Then you may proceed on send or save the order.

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