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SalesHero Wiki

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  • How to disable/enable sales hero Auto Sync

    1. Click on the start button and type in ‘Task Scheduler’. 2. Once Task Scheduler is open, Find sales hero sync tool task scheduler key. 3. To disable Auto sync, Right click on it and select ‘Disable’ to disable auto sync. 4. To enable auto sync, go to ‘Task Scheduler’ and Find sales hero sync tool task scheduler key. Right click on it and select ‘Enable’ to enable auto sync.

  • Tutorial Step Sql Accounting or Sql Payrol Facing Not Responding (SalesHero Backend)

    1) When your SQL Accounting or SQL Payroll are not responding, don’t panic. 2) Click Edit, then go to eStream, Choose either SQL Accounting or SQL Payroll. 3) Go to Window icon, type for Command Prompt. 4) Type sfc /scannow then press Enter at your keyboard.

  • Tutorial Step Change Minimum Price (SQL Accounting)

    1) Open SQL Accounting, go to Stock module then Maintain Stock Item. 2) It will display all listing of stock. Choose any one of item. 3) Click on “B2B” menu

  • Tutorial Step How to Show Non History Item (SalesHero Mobile)

    Step by Step: How to Show Non-History Item – SalesHero Mobile Android Version 1) To begin, please log in to the SalesHero app on your device. 2) Go to “Setting” menu. 3) Click on “SO” icon 4) Select One customer 5) The result will show. Grey icon will notify salesman that there’s no record for purchase history before. IOS Version 1) To begin, please log in to the SalesHero app on your device. 2) Click on “Sales Order” module 3) Select a customer 4) The result will show. Grey icon will notify salesman that there’s no record for purchase history before.

  • Tutorial Step How to Create Sales Order Android – SalesHero Mobile

    Step by Step: How to Create Sales Order – SalesHero Mobile Android Version 1) On menu side, click on Sales Order. 2) Click Sales Order icon. 3) Select a customer. 4) Select a product item. 5) Click on search icon. 6) Search a product by key in any word as a clue. 7) Click on Barcode Scanner icon to scan QR code. 8) Click on item package to select. 9) Click on selected package. 10) Input quantity in package that we selected. 11) Click on item promotion package to select any package inside. 12) Listing for promotion package will be list here for selection purposes. 13) Click on Sales Enquiries button to view the listing. 14) Here’s a function for “All”. 15) All the listing will be shown. 16) Click on scan barcode icon to scan any. 17) Display scan barcode. 18) This is the view of display item. 19) It can be change into this view. 20) Click “Next” to proceed with the selection. 21) Click rebate icon to input some rebate. 22) Rebate are entering by percent. 23) In summary view, it can be preview in PDF. Click on “PDF”> “In App”. 24) Now its turn to preview order. To download, press this button. 25) Click on arrow icon in order to send or to save. Firstly, we would recommend customer to save, in order to review it before send. 26) Once you save, the basket turns out yellow color. 27) Click on the yellow basket>view/edit sale order. 28) Basket in this screen will direct you to add or remove any item as wish. 29) Detail section will show customer billing address 30) When all are done, click arrow icon and click “Send”. 31) Then yellow basket, will turns into brown basket (that’s mean the order have confirm sent). For video tutorial, click on link below:

  • Tutorial Step How to Create Sales Order IOS– SalesHero Mobile

    Step by Step: How to Create Sales Order – SalesHero Mobile IOS Version 1) Click on the “Sales Order” module. 2) Create Sales order icon. 3) Select a customer. 4) Select item to proceed then press “next” button. 5) Preview item before proceeding to next step. Click preview to review in other format. 6) Print preview is for reviewing purposes. 7) Click on rebate icon if any rebate given. 8) Input the rebate by number of percentage. 9) Click on bin icon for delete purposes. 10) Click “Delete” to proceed with deleting order. 11) Click on sort icon to arrange it into desire. 12) Click on pencil icon to insert any remark for the product. 13) Click on Contact section to input any changes. 14) Click on Take photo section to input image. 15) Firstly, we will have recommended customer to save. Click save. 16) In draft section, you may slide to do any action given. 17) Click on the draft, click on pdf to review the order submitted in PDF form. 18) PDF format shown, click on share icon to share on any platform provided. 19) Click on “Send” to proceed the order once confirmed. 20) Once order sent, apps will notify thru popup. 21) On Draft section will be empty once all order have been sent. 22) Click on Sent column to review back on what sales order have been sent. For video tutorial, click on link below:

  • Tutorial Step How to do Check in and Check out (SalesHero Mobile)

    Step by Step: How to do Check in and Check out – SalesHero Mobile Android Version 1) Find “Check in” menu. 2) Click on sign in icon. 3) Fill in customer column and take photo(if necessary) 4) Fill in remark (if necessary) 5) “Send Check in Only” for one time check in. “Save” is necessary for check out after check in. 6) Click on check in status to have an option of it. For check out, press check out option. 7) Click yes to proceed check out. 8) Once success check out, system will popup success notified. Click close to exit. IOS Version 1) Find check in module 2) Add new sign in by the icon. 3) To check in, select “Customer” 4) “Add photo” if necessary, remark if any. Click on “Check in” for later check out. Click on “Send” (For Check in purposes only) 5) Click yes to proceed. 6) To check out, slide left at the end of the row. 7) Press “checkout” to proceed.

  • Tutorial Step How to check update available

    Step by Step: How to check update available Android Version 1) Click on Play Store. 2) Type at the search column Saleshero for apps search, then click Update. iOS Version 1. Open APP Store 2) Type at the search column Saleshero for apps search, then click Update

  • How to save customer location in SalesHero App

    How to save customer location in SalesHero App (Navigation) Android Version 1. In SalesHero App, Press Menu button. 2. From Menu Side Bar, Press on ‘Sales Order’ Button.  (This apply to QT, SO, Invoice and other module as well) 3. In Sales Order page, Click on add new Order Button on the bottom right of the app. 4. Swipe from right bottom to upper left. A Menu will appear. 5. Select ‘Update’ to save the current location in App. Location Setting(GPS) must turn on in order for App to detect current location. 6. Location Address will show in App after location is saved. You may reset if the location address is invalid. 7. From side bar menu, Go to Setting > Navigation. 8. Select the default App  to use for SalesHero Navigation. 9. Go back to order > Customer List. Swipe from right bottom to upper left and select go now. Default navigation App will open and will set your destination automatically. IOS Version 1. In SalesHero App Home page, Access 2. From customer list, choose one customer To order module. Swipe from right to left. A menu will appear. 3. Click on update button to save location In SalesHero App. Location Setting(GPS) must turn on in order for App to detect current location.

  • Tutorial Step Kill Apps-for close sync & import tool (SalesHero Backend)

    Step by Step: Kill Apps-for close sync & import tool – SalesHero Backend 1) Right click on taskbar> Task Manager 2) Find “ImportToolApplication (32 bit)” (for Import tool) and “WindowsFormApplication1 (32 bit) (for Sync tool) and Click on “End Task

  • Tutorial Step Connect bluetooth printer

    Step by Step: Connect Bluetooth Printer – SalesHero Mobile Android Version 1) Find phone “Setting” 2) On “Bluetooth” and search for Bluetooth printer 3) Enter PIN of the printer 4) Printer that successfully done will move to “Paired Device” 5) Kill all apps and reopen SalesHero apps 6) “Bluetooth connected” and printer are ready to use. IOS Version 1) Open SalesHero “Setting icon 2) Click on “Printer” menu 3) Click on “OK” to connect Bluetooth 4) Click on Bluetooth printer and enter PIN as requested 5) Once Bluetooth successfully done, it will popup this message 6) Automatically will directly tick on “default Printer”. If your printer brand was stated below the default printer, you may tick on it. Printer are ready to used.

  • Tutorial Step Change Minimum Order Quantity and Bulk Order Quantity

    Step by Step: Change Minimum Order Quantity and Bulk Order Quantity – SalesHero Backend 1) Key in your email address and password to log in SalesHero Backend. 2) Click on Submit button to login. 3) Click on “B2B” menu 4) Select “Maintain Item Setting” 5) Find your desired product using “Search” button. 6) Click on “Edit” button 7) Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): set for minimum quantity the customer needs to order for this item. It also can be used as weight. Minimum 0.1. 8) Bulk Order Quantity(BOQ): set for the quantity increment when customer increase item order by one. Can also be used as weight. Minimum: 1. 9) Click “Submit” button once done. 9) Click “Submit” button once done. 10) The top right corner will notify you whether the update of the settings was successful. For video tutorial, click on link below:

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