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SalesHero Wiki

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  • Step by Step: Customer History delete all & resync on device

    Android Version 1.   On right menu side bar, click on Update & Sync. 2.     Click on Sync Data Now . 3. Press longer time on Customer History wording. 4. Once done, it will automatically delete all log. IOS Version 1.   Click on Setting.   2.    Click on Sales Order Default Settings . 3.     Click Delete 4.     Enter the date range From  and To . Once confirm, press Trash icon.

  • Step by Step: How to Amend Order Cancellation Setting

    Login in into website and click on Salesman List. 2. Click on selected salesman in the list. 3. Scroll down up to Order List Setting (Optional).   4. Go to Order Cancellation , set the which module can be set as allowed. 5. Scroll down on bottom right, click update once done.

  • Step by Step: How to set Limit pending for draft orders

    Login in into website and click on Salesman List. 2. Click on selected salesman in the list. 3. Scroll down up to Order List Setting (Optional). 4.  Go to Limit pending for draft order , input the number inside the box: 0 = No blocking order -1 = only allow one order to send without save 1 = only allow 1 order 5.    To be in detail, SalesHero also given a limit pending for order items . Input the number inside the box: 0 = No blocking item order 1 = only allow 1 item to be in order 6. Scroll down on bottom right, click update once done.

  • Step by Step: How to Hide Reference Price in SalesHero Apps

    1.    Login in into website  and click on Salesman List . 2. Click on selected salesman in the list. 3.   Scroll down up to  Order List Setting ( Optional). 4.  Go to Reference Price , Turn On  and select which module do you wish to continue hide reference price. 5.  Choose on which module that will keep salesman track(location). Scroll down on bottom right, click update  once done.

  • Step by Step: How to Set Rm 0 in Credit note module

    1.    Login in into website  and click on Salesman List . 2. Click on selected salesman in the list. 3.   Scroll down up to  Order List Setting ( Optional). 4. Go to Reference Price , Turn On  at Set price 0 in CN. 5.   Choose on which module that will keep salesman track(location). Scroll down on bottom right, click update  once done.

  • How to reset Saleshero Backend Password

    Go to  , Then click on change password int the screenshot as below. 2. In the reset password page, Fill in the below information in order to reset password then click submit. a. Email b. Old Password c. New Password d. Retype New Password 3. Once the password is update successful, A message will prompt “Change Password Success”. Then you may login Saleshero backend with the new password. Note: Please take note after change password will affect sync tool & Import tool. If you have change backend password. Need to inform support team to update the new password in sync & import tool as well.

  • Step by Step: How to set Driver navigate by refer SalesHero system or Accounting system coordinate

    Login in into website  and click on Salesman setting . 2.   Click on selected  Driver( position). 3.    Go to Customer List Setting , set the priority location is referring to which platform. Its either location is referring Accounting  or SalesHero Apps . 4.     Choose on which module that will keep salesman track(location). Scroll down on bottom right, click update  once done.

  • Step by Step: How to View Other Salesman Report

    Login in into website  and click on Salesman List . 2. Click on  Additional Setting . Tick on selected agent that can be view by that agent. Besides that, tick on View Other Salesman Report  which report need to be view as well. On bottom right, click update  once done.

  • How to set up e wallet payment type

    Make Sure in Accounting have the E-wallet GL account created. 2. Next login to SalesHero Backend, Go to Setting >  Maintain E-wallet. 3.  In the Maintain E-wallet Page, Select the Company and click on ‘Load’ button. 4. Next select the E-wallet GL Code. 5. Move cursor to the Image box and click on ‘upload’ button. 6. Select the Ewallet  QR code and click on ‘Open’. 7. Select the Ewallet  QR code and click on ‘Open’. 8. Next, Inform salesman to sync in App and Check in e-wallet payment Type.

  • How to end task in PC (Import tool)

    Company Setting On the task bar, right click the mouse to have the selection of choices. Click on Task Manager . 2. In this tab, press letter “ i ” on the keyboard until you find ImportToolApplication (32 Bit). 3. Right click the mouse to have the selection of choices. Click on End Task .

  • How to end task in PC (Sync tool)

    Company Setting On the task bar, right click the mouse to have the selection of choices. Click on Task Manager . 2. In this tab, press letter “ W ” on the keyboard until you find WindowsFormApplication1 (32 Bit). 3. Right click the mouse to have the selection of choices. Click on End Task .

  • Step by Step: B2B - How to Label an Item as New Item

    1. Login in into website  and click on B2B then   click on  Maintain Item Setting . 2. Search on item name  on the box, then click on pencil  action icon. 3. Tick on Is New Item , then click Submit .

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